Linear thinking and its harmfulness
Our bodies are controlled by a subtle force. Chiropractors have called it 'innate'. Homeopaths call it 'the vital force'. Acupuncturists call it 'Chi'. Nutritionists don't have a word for it as they tend to see nutrition as a science of chemistry that overrides any subtle force. They think they can use nutritional molecules such as vitamins, minerals, herbs and amino acids in a very similar way to how pharmaceutical prescribers (allopath’s)...
Friday, 12 August 2016 19:16
Author: Dr. Cyrus Thomas
Category: San Francisco Homeopathy
When is it Homeopathic, when Nutritional?
It's not easy to know what to do at first. Right at the beginning of a case the doctor can give a well chosen homeopathic remedy and some basic nutrients that cover many bases. A good way to cover many nutritional bases at the same time is with well chosen multi vitamin/mineral supplement, like those sold only through practitioners and not in helath food stores, and instructing the patient to buy grass-fed meats only, restrict grains to rice only, use...
Wednesday, 13 July 2016 20:31
Author: Dr. Cyrus Thomas
Category: San Francisco Homeopathy Chiropractic Homeopathy
taking control of our health
So often we say, "they've got me on" when describing what medicine has been prescribed for us. Actually, this implies it's their decision, not yours. I prefer saying, "I was prescribed XYZ and agreed to take it".
Actually I prefer, "I was prescribed XYZ, I took the prescription, but went home to research it first. It had 30 unwanted effects for the one wanted effect. Yes, I thought it would improve my blood test numbers but only at the...
Saturday, 02 July 2016 00:35
Author: Dr. Cyrus Thomas
Category: San Francisco Homeopathy Blood Analysis